Author Archives: devinobrady

4017 Light Chaser

The next “Project of the Week” I was thinking about was a 4017 Light Chaser. I am thinking this because the first part of it is to build a 555, which we have already done, and the next part is to hook up a 4017 which is simple. 

How to build the 555 Step by Step

You can use a 12 Volt, 1 Amp Ac Adapter if you have one. If not, use a nine volt battery and a battery clip. Here are the instructions. 

1. Put the 555 I.C on the breadboard. Put it on so that the top left pin is in E3.

2. Put a green jumper wire from pin 1 of the 555 (B3) to the ground rail.

3. Put a 10 uF from the ground rail to pin 2 of the 555 (B4).

4. Put a red wire from pin 2 of the 555 (D4) to pin 6 of the 555 (G5).

5. Put a 1K resistor from pin 3 of the 555 (D5) to (B9).

6. Put a red wire from pin 4 of the 555 (D6)  to the power rail. 

7. Put the potentiometer from pin 6 of the 555 (G5) to pin 7 of the 555 (G6).

8. Put a 1K resistor from pin 7 of the 555 (H4) to the power rail.

9. Put a red wire from pin 8 of the 555 (G3)  to the power rail.

10.  Put a transistor in the output pins E (C10) ,B (C9) ,C (C8). When you put the transistor in, the flat side should be facing you.

11. Put a green jumper wire from pin E of the transistor (B3) to the ground rail.

12. Put a 1K resistor from pin C of the transistor (A8) to the power rail.

13. Put a 330 ohm resistor from pin C of the transistor (D8) to the output pin F10.

14. Put a green jumper wire from the output pin J11 to the ground rail.

15. Put the long leg of the L.E.D into H10 and the shorter leg into H11

16. Put the nine volt battery into the battery clip. The light should be flashing. 

Schematic Symbols

Before you can build a 555, you will need to know some basic “Schematic Symbols”. A schematic is a technical drawing that tells the engineer how to build a circuit. A schematic is like a blueprint, without it, there is no direction. Here are the basic symbols you will need to know to build the 555 Timer. Image

555 Timer Parts List

Here is the list of parts you will need to build the 555 circuit. The number in the brackets indicate the quantity. 

  • Red and Green 22 gauge wire 
  • Breadboard 
  • 12 Volt Power Supply 
  • 555 I.C (1)
  • 2N3904 Transistor (1) 
  • 1 uF Capacitor (1)
  • 1 K Resistors (3) 
  • 330 Ohm Resistors (1)
  • B100K Potentiometer (1)
  • L.E.D (1) 

555 Timer


A 555 timer is one of the easiest and one of the most important circuits you will learn in circuitry.

That’s why this weeks “Project of the Week” is a simple 555 Timer circuit. Over the next 6 pages, I will show you how to build it step by step.