Monthly Archives: February 2014

555 Timer Parts List

Here is the list of parts you will need to build the 555 circuit. The number in the brackets indicate the quantity. 

  • Red and Green 22 gauge wire 
  • Breadboard 
  • 12 Volt Power Supply 
  • 555 I.C (1)
  • 2N3904 Transistor (1) 
  • 1 uF Capacitor (1)
  • 1 K Resistors (3) 
  • 330 Ohm Resistors (1)
  • B100K Potentiometer (1)
  • L.E.D (1) 

555 Timer


A 555 timer is one of the easiest and one of the most important circuits you will learn in circuitry.

That’s why this weeks “Project of the Week” is a simple 555 Timer circuit. Over the next 6 pages, I will show you how to build it step by step.



Electrical Engineering

What I have learned about Electrical Engineering is that it is an interesting work sector to get into. This is because technology is becoming more advanced each year, which means that your learning never stops. I’ve also learned that most workplaces require a computer technician which falls under Electrical Engineering. The work section of Electrical Engineering that I’m focusing on is Electronics. What that would entail would be me fixing computers or any electronic device and not design. What I mean by that is I’m not going to be the one who engineers something; I would be the person fixing the hardware that has already designed.